What You Need To Know About Planning Children’s Bedrooms

unisex child's bedroom that can be easily chnaged as they grow, plush design interiors, adelaide

Children’s bedrooms are just about the most fun spaces to decorate. You can be frivolous, colourful, playful and take risks. However, while we love to break design rules, there are a few you need to know when planning children’s bedrooms.

One of the biggest mistakes some people make in planning children’s bedrooms and decorating them is to design a space for the age the child is now.

Children grow quickly with their tastes and needs changing quickly too. So when you plan a bedroom space allow for decorating flexibility and the opportunity for a child to grow and change.

planning childre's bedrom with a teepee as a bed, plush design interiors, adelaide

Children love creative and playful bedrooms. Create a space they will love to spend time in.

Woo Hoo, see lots of gorgeous creative and colourful space for babies and children on our Kid's Bedrooms Pinterest board.

Having said that, it’s also very important to involve children over the age of five in the design and decoration of their own bedroom. It teaches them an important lesson – that they can control the look and feel of their environment.

Children tend to have more respect for a space they have helped design. So have some fun with your children creating mood boards for their bedroom or other play spaces.

Children's Bedrooms Should Be Wild + Free

Children don’t impose parameters on themselves that we adults tend to develop over the years. Let children think about colour, texture, pattern. This gives them the opportunity to be involved while you still have control over ensuring the space can grow with the child.

let your child's imagination run free in a creative bedrom that looks like a tree house, plush design interiors, adelaide

A lucky child has a parent who is a carpenter for creating their own interior tree house

If they choose an outrageously coloured cushion or ridiculous wall art then what’s the harm? These items can always be replaced when they grow out of them.

One word of caution, DON’T paint walls in very strong colours such as red and orange. Bedrooms are still places of rest so strong and hot colours are not conducive to sleep and relaxation. Strong colours may also bring out aggressive tendencies in some children.

Children's Bedrooms Are For Play Too

If possible, allow a child to have a big bedroom so they can play in there as much as possible. It minimizes toy clutter in the living room and avoids the ‘lego in the foot’ scenario.

a space theme for children's bedrooms, plush design interiors. adelaide

A space themed bedroom is still increasingly popular as children seek to explore new worlds

In some households, children will share a room so delineation of space is important. This can be done with rugs, different coloured bedding or a different picture above the bed. Bunk beds are great to create more useable floor space.

This can be important when a study desk is required. However, no child under the age of six should be given the top bunk.

Children's Bedrooms Need A 'Show-Off' Area

Provide a display area where your child can show off their favourite items. Tall shelving should be fixed to the wall and access easy enough for a child to control.

Remember, a child’s bedroom is a separate place in the house where they can show their own personality. It’s the one room where they can really express themselves. Let them freely decorate and control this important space.

planning children's bedrooms that encourage creativity, plush design interiors, adelaide

Develop a child’s creativity and sense of ownership by letting them decorate their own bedroom

Our Top Eight Tips for Planning Children’s Bedroom

  1. Theme it Up: Consider a theme that resonates with the child's interests—whether it's superheroes, space exploration, or undersea adventures. It adds a playful touch!

  2. Functional Furnishings: Opt for furniture that serves dual purposes. Think bunk beds with built-in storage or desks, maximizing both space and functionality.

  3. Interactive Walls: Magnetic or chalkboard walls encourage creativity. Kids can draw, write, and rearrange their space whenever the mood strikes.

  4. Personalised Artwork: Frame and display your child's artwork. It adds a personal touch and boosts their confidence.

  5. Flexible Lighting: Use adjustable lighting to create different moods. A bright space for studying or a softer glow for bedtime stories.

  6. Colour Palette: Vibrant, but not overwhelming. Soft pastels or gender-neutral tones create a soothing atmosphere.

  7. Storage Solutions: Embrace baskets, shelves, and organisers. A clutter-free room promotes a sense of calm.

  8. Cozy Reading Nook: Instill a love for reading with a comfy reading corner. Add some cushions, a small bookshelf, and perhaps a canopy for that magical touch.

Remember, it's all about making a space that reflects the child's personality and allows them to grow.

colourful and playful children's bedroom design, plush deign interiors, adelaide

Need More Help?

We love creating fun spaces as much as we love creating elegant spaces. So chat with us about how we can help you create a bedroom for your child, or children, that reflects them and will grow with them.

Did you know we also plan and design renovations in Adelaide? Our sister studio is Plush Design Renovations where we can help you with floor plan re-design, removing and installing doors and windows, designing additions, custom joinery and more. Please ask us if you need renovation services alongside interior design.

Penelope J. Herbert

Interior designer, home renovator, course creator, Creator of ‘The No-Vanilla Design Manifesto’. Dog lover, shoe collector, champagne drinker. Fave interior design style - Art Deco with Palm Springs Glam and Hollywood Cool, with a little Mid-Century Modern Flair.


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